Ok. Episod 17 of A journey called life is over now =(
차렷 = Attention in korean =D
I am here again to tell the whole world that......
My daddy scrolled over my bloggie when my
mummy was by his side. omg~! *emotionless*
Where am I? I am just behind the whole thing.
I was lying down on the bed. Helpless. & also
observing every move of the cursor. raws~!!
I cannot make a sound. because sore throat..
neither have control the whole computer =/
I am so careless. useless. whatever-less =.="
All because of me. I left the pc there for the
!@#$%^&* Windows Update.
nvm. Fortunately he didn't say anything and
my mummy did ask "whose blog is this?" but
no one answer her.bleah =P *laugh out loud*
Anyway. My daddy saw Chai Yeen's bloggie too
because I drop by to listen to Yiruma =) Hah~!
* Mummy came in to my room
when I was typing this too. lol!
Wondering. What my daddy have in mind now...