Sunday, March 21, 2010

I wore a dress, You wore a dark grey T-shirt.

Roflmao.. Just wanna describe yesterday..
I really am enjoying weekends, Saturday!

Morning, I went to the market.. shopping
Common sense, I am expert in that Duhh!
Excited for the afternoon. Getting ready..
Left my place around 1+ & then reached
Times Square around 2+ after jam! Rawss

Fell in love when I saw you standing there
My mummy first spotted him with his friend
then he come closer to my car then only I got
down after my lil bro allows me Heh! Love it.
Once I got the chance to talk to him, the very
first word I said was "Sorry!" but wtf he didn't
respond and just ignore, continue walking with
speed.. Don't ya' ever think I can't catch up! ;@

We reached the Bowling Central in Times Square
Omg. Seisolui Is Panda with her boyf, Shaun.
Whatever larhh. Up to them.. He got #1. Proud!

Then, we rushed to Pavilion for the movie..
Waited for Alan & another fellow because
they were kinde lost. *Laugh out Loud*
In. so dark.. can't even spot my fingers!
He lead the way in and I nearby bang him
again. Heh! Many X already kinde normal
Cute nuff, he was laughing away during
the movie.. then I laugh with him too..

Cool, after that.. He asked me, how I go
home and stuffs like that.. So I thought
was dismiss time. Then, I called mummy
She told me she was at home and will be
a bit late if I go to Medan Tuanku station
at this time.. Alone. In the dark. OMGod
Heh! He's smart enough. He overheard our
phone conversation and I said I was hungry
Love his seng mok-ness. He asked me first.

His friend lead the way to KFC passing by
a food court. He straight talk so loud..
"Food Court againnn" as if it is not a
place to eat like thatt -.-" Rich boyy

Settled down. I accompany him to queue
up the long line to order for 8 people.
His friends funny character really made
me Lol at their stupidity. My goodness!
I paid him my share after everything's.

After that, head to Monorail station.
He bought his friends, his and mine
When we reached my station, he get
off the train and I was like OMG why?
then he said "I must wait for your
mummy to come and pick you only I
feel safe to leave you on your own" :D

Btw, Currently, in GentingH, Uncle's room.

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