Monday, May 27, 2013

Three Hundred and Ninety Three

Observant enough? You'll notice that I've
revert a post to draft for a few days. Heh!
because I can't really accept the fact but
now, it's back on my blog. So go read :P

Okay.. It's a Monday. & perfect! I tell you.
Yeap. It's unbelievable, surprising yet true!

Once I woke up, still thinking of the past
because last week, everything's different!
So, it's my new week, I need a change :D

I decided to dress to impress to university.
I managed to squeezed myself into a pink
dress with a crochet white over the top..
I don't often wear a dress to uni.. so yea
My course mates got so surprised and
started praising me the whole time in class.
I offered my Mars chocolate bar in return.
I got all the class attention on me. Hahaa!

During my Applied Probability class,
I was one of the few in class that did
the Chapter 1 formula summary. Yay!
Mine is colorful, tidy and impressive :)
My lecturer showed mine to the class
and the class *applause* just for me.
I even got the lecturer's attention! :'D

At home, my daddy is on leave today.
Considering, my weekend is extended.

What more could I ask for? *laughs*
Today is my day. Proud and loud :D


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