Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Four Hundred and Thirty Six

Hi again.
The reason I've been blogging so much
this month is because I want to reach
18 blog entries. A significant number :)
& I've only past the half point..Uuhhh

Let's get to the point.
Justnow, my itchy hand go plug in the
portable/external hard disc into laptop.
Obviously, this hard disc acts as a
backup to all my previous documents
such as musics and pictures from my
older ancient desktop computer which
was in use during my secondary school.

So, what more can I say?
Ofcourse, it contains all my childish
selfies & print screens of msn chats.
What's the best I find inside?
It is the playlist from the 2008.
All the old songs reminds me
of the good old times we had.
I remembered raping the
replay button with some
of the songs & believe it
or not, I'm still doing it
today, now, this moment!
Those are what I call
really old good songs :D

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