Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Four Hundred and Forty Nine

I was so glad to find your name
pop up on my phone with a text
saying "Just got home" at 9pm :)

I was so glad to know that we're
finally on the same time zone :D

I was also glad you noticed that
my tweets were about you lol! :P

As the conversation goes on, all you
said was "Don't think too much" huh
U're right. I think too much, at times.

I really appreciate that you admit
you do think of me a lot too Heh!
You thought of the times we had,
like last year, during your Prom :)

Oh yeah & the fact that you miss the
times our hand intertwine each other.

I was feeling that awesome moment
when you know someone else have
the same feeling or thoughts as you.

P.S. One thing that really make me
look up upon you is that you'll still
accompany me even you're gaming.
Yes, I really appreciate your time :D

P.P.S I never expect us to chat so
much about the past times we had.
I was indeed surprised and happy!

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