Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Four Hundred and Sixty Three

"Everyone is in search of happiness."
-The first sentence from Baby Blues, the movie.
Challenge #5201314

I am heading to my escape island.
Yes, I am going to Penang, again!
I can't express how excited am I

What makes me even more excited
is that I just told myself to not cling
to him anymore and I'll be heading
to his territory on December 8th to
11th 2013.. Oh the irony. like ikr :P
It's a family vacation, not my fault.

The time round, I am in-charge to
plan where should we dine for
breakfast, brunch, lunch, tea time,
dinner and supper *Just kidding..

I shall make sure that I make at least
one trip down to the beach of Hard
Rock Hotel & we'll also remember
to bring our pair of trainers along so
that we can hike deeper into the
oh-so-joyous Botanical Garden :D

If any of you have any suggestion
to good food heaven, do feel free
to share them with me k Hehee :)

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