Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Four Hundred and Sixty Eight

Today, my lil bro made me feel so proud
of being his elder sister for 18 years and
counting. Indeed, not the first time though.

Today is his first day of university life.
Just so you know, he's studying computer
science; Inspiration from my wise daddy :)

I accompanied him to his first class in the
auditorium then head to lepak at library.

My main purpose to follow him to
university today is to guide him on
how to take KTM home next time.

While waiting for his class to end,
I sat in the library, reminiscing the
past. He's been more of an elder
brother than a young one to me.
I admit, I am very dependent :P

Afterall, I am very thankful to be
fated with him as his elder sister
and I will never know how much
to payback for all the help offered.

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