IMPORTANT: I am in so deep love with someonestuff!
Today is officially the last day
of 3 damn weeks of examination.
No yahoo or HipHipHooray =.="
because now I am really feeling
guilty for not studying or giving
in any
NOW~ I am regretting for life!
Whatever! I know it's too late~
Btw, Cecilia and BMC influenced
me to skip school tomorrow Lol.
& guess what is my lame reason
I am attending prayers for
dumpling festival Hahaha!
I NEED A DRESS because I am attending
a function with Leavania as my date Lol!
Go on. Take it as a cold joke. Speechless
Anyway, it's approximately 1 month from
today. SO I really have to get ready =P
That blockquote above is referring to my bloggie larh