Raws. For The
Wth. I hate the rain.swt =.=" because it
wetted my bag! It is the bag that everyone
see it and everyone praise its beauty.
That's just the Truth! That Black Starry
bag of mine. The bag that I use for exams!
Fyi, I still have two papers tomorrow.
+ I brought ALL my physics books to
school today, because we had lots of
time to do our last minutes revision
and now. ALL my physics book are
WET. Whatthe-! I am so annoyed!
Btw, I'm not happy-or-whatever
for the end of examination weekS
because I did not put in any effort
in any of the papers this term! ='(
I really wish that God would make
me love books. & understand every
single details in Sciences' subjects~
* Woots! BTFC tournament this Saturday
* more meetings with May may comin' up