Sunday, March 29, 2009

Fifty nine

LOL. Yay me! I finally spotted where is the
source of the super long sms from Beh Beh =D

Message of hug

A hug is so simple, yet so magical.

It is entirely free of charge, yet so priceless.

The gesture is so natural and irrational, leaving the beholder joyful and speechless.

And in giving a hug, one receives another in kind.

A hug when given represents the gift of the heart;

A hug when readily received, bestows in both, completion of art.

Let a hug promote one’s good health.

Hugs are likened to a mountain of wealth and dissolving conflict and creating friendship.

A hug trespasses all boundaries the moment two souls become one.

Releasing all judgements and customaries, a common sharing is now done.

So let this New Year season, together with all the gifts and revelries be complete with hugs for no reason, as we meet and depart with fond memories.

Source and more:

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