Friday, January 11, 2013

Three Hundred and Seventy Six

The incident.

Yesterday evening, after work,
my little bro came up to me &
manja2 me, then he asked me
whether do I want to go for a jog
around the compound together?
I did thought about it at work, so it's
fine with me. I'm all energetic for it :)

To my regret, during the activity,
my bro speed up and didn't wait
for me at all. I was mad with him.

When I get home, my mummy came
up to me and asked "So how was it?"
I said "My leg hurts. so no fun" I lied.
After a few minutes, she asked again.
Mummy "You two had fun? How many
rounds you jogged?" Me "I don't know.
You should go & just ask Adrian lahh."

From that point on, my mummy knew
something was not right but little bro
couldn't be bothered by my reactions.
He continue chatting with my mummy.

Bro: Today, in school, there was this girl,
complaining to me that she have no friends.
Mum: Oh really.. What's wrong with her huh?
Bro: She is always moody, like jie jie. That's
why nobody wants or dare to approach her.

I was somehow shocked when I heard it.
That conversation made it bad to worse.
I decided to give him a silent treatment :P

At night, after my daddy came home from work.
My daddy asked me "Why are you so moody?"
I told the truth to my daddy because I know that
he will forever be supporting me in whatever I do.
My mummy overheard it and said "What? Like
that only also angry huh? Come over here. Hug2
I tell Adrian to apologize to you, want or not?"
I said "No need" *tug in to my comfy bed & sleep.

The next day, after over-thinking, when I woke
up I realize that I was quite petty about the little
things in my life. I couldn't help it but to use the
silent treatment on the people that I care to cure
these irritating,  annoying, unwanted situation :D

& just so you know, this might come in handy one day :P

P.S. When 1 say jog/run together, I mean there should
be a maximum distance of 1 meter between us. Learn it!

Cheers! xoxo 


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