Tuesday, May 5, 2009

One Hundred and Two

I go for luxury more than adventure. This is me.

Hi all. I just reached Kuala Lumpur at 2300hour!
and rush my PEKA report all the way till now~!!
NOW. It is 2 in the morning. and I suffering a
kinde bad stomach ache here. *sobs*

My last day for this trip in Tioman is super duper fun
Omg. I just miss my new kiddie friends. they are cute.
Fyi. They are all Japanese. Asha. Moet. and YuZhan =)

My journey back was very stressful
because my daddy is not really that
familiar with the trunk road to the
highway and it is very dark there.

Great news. We took 400+ pictures
Ofcourse I will not post all up but
maybe I will add in all into the
Windows Movie Maker. soon. Bleah =P

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