Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Four Hundred and Fifty Seven

Honestly, it bothers me so much,
it interrupted my finals revision :'(

You actually spend your time talking
to other girls while you told me that
you are busy with your whatever
God knows what applications lahh..

I am totally not assuming anything!
It is obvious that I mean nothing
to you. Yet, whenever I force you
to admit that your feelings for me
has fade, in return, you deny me
& blame me for thinking too much.
Like wth. You think that ignoring
the past will guarantee a bright
future? Please, God damn No.

In addition, it seems like you
don't trust me anymore huh?
Fine! Just sit back and let me
show you what I'm made of.

All or nothing? 

P.S. I feel that this is too harsh
to say it right in your face. So
I have to blog it out. In hopes
that you will read this entry,
in my dreams. Do me a favor, Stay in my life--

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