Saturday, June 22, 2013

Four Hundred and Seven

Yayy! I absolutely feel so lucky today :D

It's my 1st time driving to university today.
I drove alone for approximately 20km++
I managed to reach uni in time for class :)

During AP tutorial, I was reading &
discussing about the upcoming MS
exam with my girlfriends and I learnt
that they didn't revise as much as me.
It made my confidence level rose :D
Sorry, I revealed the evil side of me.

Mr. Jeff, our AP lecturer is so kind
to end the tutorial early as we got to
solved the tutorial questions in time.

Then, it's time for my MS exam d..
Guess what? The duration for the
exam is 60mins for 70MCQ + t/f!
Isn't that just crazy? Everyone have
less than 1 minute to answer ea Q'.

Thankfully, I managed to complete it.
While, a course mate who sat beside
me didn't managed to answer 20Qs.
I actually did tried to call him during
the exam but he didn't hear me -.-"
I wanted to remind him that there's
just 5 mins left but he ignored me :(

On the way home from UCSI university, a
stupid accident that involved 3 cars caused
a massive jam that caused me to reach my
home 1 hour after leaving my university :/

Finally, after a few hours at home with love,
I'll have to get ready for a birthday party of
my ex-classmate, May Suet and I'm gonna
meet some other of my ex-classmates too..
That's what make me feeling excited today!

Hmmphh.. Here's something, just for you.
Sometimes, I wonder why do you have to
choose to take efforts to communicate this
way while in today's era, anyone can talk
right through and personally.. Hmmphh :P

Now Playing Daniel Bedingfield - If You're Not The One

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