Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Twenty Four

The heat of Chinese New Year in me had cooled down
I really didn't realise that the CNY school holiday is
going to end very soon. Countdown : 6 days more =x

I am really satisfied that I can restsleep in peace
You won't have any idea how long I slept. hehe
She slept at 2300+hour & woke up at 1100hour
This pestie piggiie slept for 11 hours. Eleven =D

I tried to complete my assignments without thinking
of anything that had passed and cannot be changed
but I just failed to pay full concentration. *sobs* =(
This. It is nothing to blame on anyone around me~

Night. All I experienced was bad times with dear.
We already have very little time chatting together
and I have no idea why I am still there to ruin up
things that are all properly planned. I admit aight

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